CIVITAS DYN@MO promotional video ready!

A happy new year from the DYN@MO consortium!

We would like to start 2016 by presenting the DYN@MO promotional video to the CIVITAS family and anyone else interested in sustainable mobility. The guiding theme of the short film is “Your Choice/ Our future” and it provides a quick overview of the main accomplishments up to now of the DYN@MO project, comprising the cities of Aachen, Gdynia, Koprivnica and Palma de Mallorca. The video also highlights that new mobility planning and smart technologies create opportunities for changing mobility behaviour and creating a citizen friendly urban environment. Enjoy the video!

2016 will be the fourth and final year of the DYN@MO project. The main project outcomes will be presented during the CIVITAS Forum in Gdynia in autumn 2016. A glossy final report that will be published at the end of the project will ensure that DYN@MO remains alive after 2016 and good practise cases will enable transferability to other cities.

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